guess what …

Court Painter and his trusty Press Attache A Hardon MacKay polled politicians, journalists, pundits, political strategists, pollsters, lobbyists , partisans, academics, policy wonks ,content creators, creatives, grifters and anti matter experts; for their 2023 predictions .

All participants were offered the choice of a crystal ball or an 8 Ball to aid in their process of predictive pundit prognosis.

As much as this helped to expose the prescience of a few of those who responded some chose to spread misinformation, disinformation, harassment , general nastiness and private mockery including snap judgments, hot takes, outrage, condemnation, doomsaying and disagreement sprinkled with a few real good guesses on the Leafs chances in 2023.

Court Painter predicted he would not conduct this exercise again in future in that it elevates the most extreme predictions, offers ample opportunity for bad-faith actors ,short sighted public officials, non visionary’s of all types and is a terrible proxy for measuring the veracity of predictability in the public square , on private land or out on the 7 Seas.

“What the hell are we going to do if we don’t know what is going to happen,”the people rising as one screamed into the wind!

That’s all we have to report .