“What is the nature of your thoughts, gentlemen, when you move your lips in a particular way?”
Conservatives accuse Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of ‘dropping an F-bomb’ in House
The remark was not picked up by the microphone on the livestream of the proceedings
Excerpt from May 4/22 article:The Canadian Press Sarah Ritchie
“OTTAWA — Much has been made of the political legacy Justin Trudeau has to live up to as he follows in the footsteps of his father, a former prime minister.
On Wednesday, he invoked one of Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s most memorable quips when asked whether he had uttered unparliamentary language.
“What is the nature of your thoughts, gentlemen, when you move your lips in a particular way?” the current prime minister told reporters on his way out of the House of Commons.
It hearkens back to 1971, when Pierre Trudeau was accused of “mouthing a four-letter obscenity” at the opposition benches.

The elder Trudeau had denied saying anything. When pressed by reporters, he replied: “What is the nature of your thoughts, gentlemen, when you say fuddle-duddle or something like that?”

On Wednesday, his son had the reference ready.

Conservatives had accused him of “dropping an F-bomb,” with MP John Barlow telling the House “it was not fuddle-duddle.”
The remark was not picked up by the microphone on the livestream of the proceedings. Deputy Speaker Chris d’Entremont said he did not hear what was said.
Even the Tories have not yet been clear about what they heard, although Opposition House leader John Brassard maintains about a dozen of his colleagues heard it. They’ve formally asked the Speaker to review Hansard and determine whether unparliamentary language was used.”
However, the dozen Tories each came up with the separate letter they heard and when combined definitely spelled out fuddle duddle …once again leaving the Great Dominion befuddled!.
That being said, ‘Justin Trudeau like his father will suffer dire consequences from his profane utterance ‘, yelled the Tories in unison!