Rock’ em Sock ’em Right Here Right Now…

With the ousting of Conservative leader Erin O’Toole, speculation on new leadership possibilities are running rampant across the Great Dominion.

A source familiar with the situation has confirmed that Rock ’em Sock ’em Don Cherry and  Right Here Right Now Stephen Harper are joining forces to run as the 21 century Conservative tag team leadership duo!

The obvious choice to juice up the lagging Conservative fortunes is to seriously consider an out of work senior, a man beloved for his proud Canada first reputation …the straight shootin’ right winger for the home team his entire pontificating career and a former PM who is a partner at a firm that includes some of the world’s top former intelligence executives.

Cherry & Harper reportedly teaming up , were quoted as saying “the Conservative Party of Canada is “divided” and we will provide a “national split vision” to defeat Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals in the next election.”

Talking in unison ,they went on to rant that the Conservative Party has a responsibility to the Great Dominion and to Canadians to be a national double think political party led by a national double vision…”think Tweedledee & Tweedeldum, Laurel & Hardy, ​Diego and Frida, ​Bert and Ernie, John & Yoko… we offer a national alternative, a national split vision of and for the country.”(They apologized for not having any Canadian examples)

The party is divided and they proclaim they want to keep it that way. Cherry provides the media savvy eye candy & Harper, the wonkiness of a race to the bottom policy strategist plus being a recent addition to an ex-spymasters company investing in Israeli security tech.

Court Painter seen putting the finishing touches on a painting that featured Grapes with his enabler in a  previous life!

Court Painter seen grabbing 40 winks after finishing the tag team painting

Steve was in Saudi Arabia during this publicity shoot so Grapes went solo.

Oligarchy,the stinking rich…

The US announced stronger sanctions on Russia targeting oligarchs. Robert Reich talks about Russian oligarchs’ influence vs. that of U.S. oligarchs also known as Uber billionaires and the stinking rich.

After years of stagnant wages, volatile job markets, and an unwillingness by those in power to deal with profound threats such as climate change, there is a mounting sense that the system is fixed, serving only those select few with enough money to secure a controlling stake. Robert B. Reich shows how wealth and power have interacted to install an elite oligarchy, eviscerate the middle class, and undermine democracy. Reich exposes how those at the top propagate myths about meritocracy, national competitiveness, corporate social responsibility, and the free market to distract most Americans from their accumulation of extraordinary wealth, and power over the system. Instead of answering the call to civic duty, they have chosen to uphold self-serving policies that line their own pockets and benefit their bottom line.

Source: Edited Description to Robert Reich’s recent book The System: Who Rigged It, How We Fix It.

To avoid lawsuits Court Painter & Press Attache AHM, have staged how they consider oligarchs are likely to present themselves in various elite settings.I think we will have to agree they look born to the status!

Globally, the number of stinking-rich is projected to increase a staggering 28% by 2026. (Still, it’s worth noting that growth between 2016-2021 was almost three times this rate, at over 75%.)

Despite the spread of democracy in the 20th century, oligarchies continued to exist, including in countries that were nominally democratic in form. Among industrialized countries that have been identified as oligarchies are Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union and China since that country’s embrace of capitalism in the late 1970s. Some political scientists have argued that the contemporary United States is an oligarchy or a plutocracy, because its great inequality of wealth and income (as compared with other industrialized countries) enables economic elites and corporations to influence public policy to their advantage, often against the preferences of the majority of ordinary citizens.

Source: Encyclopaedia Britannica

As an aside…pay awarded to the CEOs of Canada’s five largest banks rose by 23 per cent last year, the Globe reports. Five bank CEOs earned a combined $70-million in total compensation, compared with $57-million in 2020, according to company filings.

Encyclopedia Britannica

In celebration…

As a modest contribution to celebrate International Women’s Day, a selection of women featured in past Court Painter posts

Mary Simon, First Inuk Governor General
Toni Morrison, Black Writer
Aliqa Nanangnak Illauq, Inuk Activist
Mary Shannon Will, Artist
Mumilaaq Qaqqaq, Inuk Activist
El Jones Poet & Activist
Judy Wilson-Raybould, Indigenous Politician
Chrystia Freeland, Politician
Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister & Minister of Finance
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Politician
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Politician
Cindy Blackstock , Indigenous activist
Cindy Blackstock, Lawyer & Indigenous activist
Pam Palmater, Indigenous activist
Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory, Indigenous artist
Zexi Li, Citizen activist

Greta Thunberg, Environmental activist
Pam Palmater, Lawyer & Indigenous activist
El Jones, Black activist
Jane Philpott & Judy Wilson Raybould
Jane Philpott, Medical Doctor & former MP

of pomp & pulchritude…

How Court Painter spends his days as the Great Dominion’s premier portraitist of pomp & pulchritude.

Editors note: Because of technical difficulties, images were not made available to correspond with the narrative of the story however a selection of past gems will perhaps delight the eye and avoid complaints.

Court Painter’s favourite spot for power breakfasts is an unremarkable Tim Hortons next to  a drone airport and tattoo parlour. He makes meeting oil executives secretaries and their political friends a priority, typically keeps his evenings open for holding court at the Ship & Anchor and travels outside the Calgary area about three times a month to avoid by law enforcement regulations.

Court Painter does not as a rule release itineraries detailing how he spends his days, but eight months of his calendars obtained by the Sun’s Dinger Bell  through Freedom of Information (FOI) requests provides a window into how he uses his time and who has his ear and fills his bottomless wine cup.

According to Court Painter’s schedules, his formal work day in the studio typically begins just before 9 a.m. with a call-in briefing on sales and future commissions and ends by 5 p.m. In between, Court Painter usually has five to 10 appointments, including interviews with unpaid studio interns, answering ham radio calls and attending wine events . On average, he has an evening engagement 7 days a week at the Ship & Anchor and is on the road three times a month avoiding the sheriff with court summons. Other than his daily briefing, about half of his Fridays have limited or no appointments except for the Ship & Anchor . He has a few events on about half of his Saturdays and Sundays including the Ship & Anchor.

Asked about Court Painter’s schedule, Press Attache A Hardon MacKay said his calendar does not reflect his full workload. “Court Painter is one of the most accessible and hard-working artful creative and imaginative elites in the country and is often working late into the night returning phone calls from angry Alberta hobby painters and technique challenged oil patch heavy equipment operator water colourists while also seeking a bit of well earned down time at the Ship & Anchor.”

Court Painter has also Zoomed with former prime minister Jean Chrétien to discuss the Shawinigan handshake but his favourite is with Jordan Peterson and their heated but good natured discussion about lobsters and the traps they often fall into.

Infamy Portraits …

in·fa·my/ˈinfəmē/ noun

1. the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed.

 2. evil reputation brought about by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal. 2a : an extreme and publicly known criminal or evil act. b : the state of being infamous. 

Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is a Russian politician and former intelligence officer who is the president of Russia, a position he has filled since 2012, and previously from 1999 until 2008.