It should be noted that Court Painter does not use artificial intelligence widgets or gizmos in the production of his works.Every work is hand rendered ,often in the dead of night from fresh ground pigments mixed with the sweat of his brow and applied to imported Irish linens supported on stretcher bars of the finest locally sourced balsa wood.
In the July 10,2018 issue of Foreign Affairs, : Nicholas Wright, a British neurologist who studies AI and politics writes,”Just as competition between liberal democratic, fascist, and communist social systems defined much of the 20th century, so the struggle between liberal democracy and digital authoritarianism is set to define the 21st.”
The Coming Competition Between Digital Authoritarianism and Liberal Democracy
The debate over the effects of artificial intelligence has been dominated by two themes. One is the fear of a singularity, an event in which an AI exceeds human intelligence and escapes human control, with possibly disastrous consequences. The other is the worry that a new industrial revolution will allow machines to disrupt and replace humans in every—or almost every—area of society, from transport to the military to healthcare.
There is also a third way in which AI promises to reshape the world. By allowing governments to monitor, understand, and control their citizens far more closely than ever before, AI will offer authoritarian countries a plausible alternative to liberal democracy, the first since the end of the Cold War. That will spark renewed international competition between social systems.