Let Them Eat Fake

Court Painter’s Potemkin Studio Rumour

Contemporary art critics and curators are divided on the degree of truth behind the Court Painter Potemkin Studio story, and some argue that the story is an exaggeration. The tale of an elaborate  cathedral height ,Piper Cub airplane hanger scale studio with glowing fires designed to comfort Court Painter and his studio entourage as they party all night long , is largely fictional. An unidentified art expert of dubious credentials however claiming to be an established specialist on 21st-century CourtPainterabelia, supposedly used original correspondence and memoirs to conclude that the Potemkin Studio is a myth. She writes: “Based on my extensive research and opium dreams we must conclude that the myth of a Court Painter Potemkin Studio is exactly a myth, and not an established fact.” She writes that a Court Painter Potemkin Studio simulacrum however does exist, but Press Attache to Court Painter A Hardon MacKay, makes no secret that “it is an architectural decoration constructed of mirrors and smoke”. The deception appears to be mainly directed towards any  foreign curators with thick accents who might by accident find themselves near the studio in Inglewood or its environs.




  • As a public service the following is a list of other fakery you might want to watch out for:
  • A new app has flooded the web with AI-generated fake celebrity porn.
  • In a potential oppo nightmare for 2020, machine-learning algorithms can generate convincing audio and video of fake events.
  • The Economist sees a “new battlefield between falsehood and veracity”: “[I]mages and sound recordings retain for many an inherent trustworthiness.”
  • Axios Science reported on a study this summer which found that we’re not very good at spotting fake photos.
  • Twitter says in a new submission to Congress that “Russian-linked Twitter bots shared Donald Trump’s tweets almost half a million times during the final months of the 2016 election,” per Bloomberg
  • All this helps explain why trust in social media and search engines plunged in the new Edelman Trust Barometer. Axios’ Sara Fischer says the survey reflects “a global reckoning around fake news and misinformation.”