The Guardian article on the other courtroom artists who were sketchy at best!
Cameras were not allowed inside the court house , so Court Painter took on the role of…wait for it….Court Painter.
Court Painter sensed the gravity of the court room’s main event and felt The Donald deserved the stark reality of vintage style renderings in the traditional hen scratch style .

Court Painter’s court sketches of The Donald are revelatory in substance ,never failing to penetrate the copious folds of flesh to reveal the inner void between the lines.
Reporters and camera crews were staked outside of Donald Trump’s appearance in a Miami federal court on Tuesday. But despite all the flashbulbs, there was one crucial, all-important image that Americans and the world were going to be denied: video/photo images of the former president sitting inside of the courtroom. Court Painter’s sketch’s have proven his art can fill that yawning void !

Court Painter remarked without being asked.”His likeness is not elusive . He has a lot of defining features, including the tan pudgy face, the fragile hair, the jowls and scowls and inner bowels he moves around within his formidable girth.His plastic surgery is well concealed and skillfully blended revealing a stud like presence to a fawning world. He is a challenge worth facing”.