Like Locusts, Lobbyists Swarm COP26 in Glasgow
Excepted from column by Amy Goodman & Denis Moynihan
Democracy Now :NOVEMBER 11, 2021

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Global warming causes global swarming. Scientists have linked the growth of locust plagues to climate change.
Meanwhile, in Glasgow, fossil fuel industry lobbyists are swarming the United Nations climate summit, known as COP26 .The United Kingdom’s shambolic management of the event, its strict visa requirements and its failure to deliver on its promised, pre-COP vaccination plan for attendees from nations with low vaccine availability have made this summit the whitest, most privileged COP in its 30-year history.While widespread access challenges have prevented thousands from participating, over 500 oil, gas and coal lobbyists have been given the red carpet treatment. If they were a nation, according to a new Global Witness report, they would be the largest delegation at COP26.Pascoe Sabido, Researcher and Campaigner at Corporate Europe Observatory, said to the press. “This is the same industry that has spent the last 50 years denying, delaying and blocking climate action, so how on earth are they still allowed in? The only way we’re going to leave these talks with anywhere near the ambition needed is if we kick these big polluters out.”

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Oil, gas and coal better represented at the Glasgow summit than the combined representation of the eight countries who have suffered the greatest climate impacts since 2000, research has found