What does it mean to be an influencer?
An influencer is simply someone who has influence over others’ fashion decisions. In other words, it’s someone who has the influence, the authority over or trust of, a certain group of people. In marketing parlance, an influencer is someone who causes others to make specific fashionable decisions.
The Court Painter team wishes everyone a contemplative holiday and extends thanks for your attention in a year like no other!
Updated November 28.2021 from December 20.2020
The Blather Bros Rex Murphy and ex felon Lord Conrad Black
In the tradition of grifter capitalism another capitalist grifter leverages the state socialist policies for predatory grifter capitalist outcomes or something like that…(still working with the algorithm to get it more precise)
Elon Musk’s Big Government Grift https://newrepublic.com/article/160500/elon-musks-big-government-grift
It’s entirely possible that this carnival barker of a CEO will continue finding crafty ways to extract tax breaks and favorable contracts from government entities for the rest of his career. But we should be alive to the ways in which Musk’s reputation is built on a faulty foundation of borrowed money and worker exploitation. To Musk, the government is only useful in helping to enrich him, and he otherwise expects it to stay the hell out of his way. The problem is that he is now powerful and rich enough to get his wish. For all his supposed brilliance in developing electric vehicles and rockets, this may be his greatest talent: grifting the government. In doing so, he’s creating a roadmap for reform, if politicians care to notice. Jacob Silverman @SilvermanJacob
More than 100 Republican members of the House have signed an amicus brief that supports the effort in Texas to overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s election victory in the Supreme Court.
The Texas suit claims that Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin all illegally changed election guidelines, ultimately leading to widespread voter fraud, and requests that the Supreme Court overturn the results in those states.
Reposted April 13,2021