No Apology Police Merch


Halifax’s police chief has issued a formal apology to Nova Scotia’s black community today over the practice of street checks, describing it as a first step to counter a series of historic wrongs.

The Board of Police Commissioners was somewhat concerned that the No Apology branded merchandise had become unsalable until one bright light pointed out that it would be wise to sit on it since another No Apology occasion was sure to arise at anytime in the future.

(The Halifax Regional Police merchandise online site actually exists)

Posted May 21, 2019

Members of Nova Scotia’s black community say the refusal by Halifax Regional Police and RCMP to apologize for street checks  speaks volumes.

Street checks (carding) allow police officers to document information about a person they believe could be of significance to a future investigation, and record details such as their ethnicity, gender, age and location.

In March, a report by University of Toronto criminology professor Scot Wortley found black people in the Halifax area were six times more likely to be street checked by police than white people. The report also found random street checks contributed to the criminalization of black youth.

To acknowledge the report the Halifax Regional Police Apparel web site is featuring a new line of NO APOLOGY merchandise for all products on offer.

Justice minister Mark Furey doesn’t have an apparel web site however he is rumoured to have bought a number of Classic T Shirts for his staff and Bistro mugs for the Premier and cabinet.

The Board of Police Commissioners members reportedly are big on the Fleece items as gifts and family wear.

The short sleeve maternity T Shirt is a winner!

Meanwhile: way north of Alabama

Point of Arrow on map shows how far from Alabama the victory for women’s reproductive rights is being celebrated

LEAF celebrates victory for women’s reproductive rights at the Ontario Court of Appeal

The Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF) celebrates the release of the Ontario Court of Appeal’s ruling in Christian Medical and Dental Society of Canada et al. v. College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), which delivers a victory for women’s reproductive rights.

The Court’s ruling is an important contribution to the advancement of women’s and girls’ equality. It recognizes that enhancing access to reproductive health services is a valid and constitutional objective. It affirms that women’s right to autonomy over their deeply personal, individual health and life choices cannot be superseded by the personal views of health professionals. It confirms the importance of access to reproductive health services for women’s health and wellbeing, and signals that the Court will protect initiatives that safeguard women’s access to these services.


Lordy lordy

First posted May 16,2019

WASHINGTON  – President Donald Trump on Wednesday signed a full pardon for former media mogul Conrad Black, who was convicted in 2007 of fraud and obstruction of justice and spent 3-1/2 years in prison, the White House said.

Black, 74, a Canadian-born British citizen, once ran an international newspaper empire that included the Chicago Sun-Times, Britain’s Daily Telegraph and the Jerusalem Post.

In a  statement from the White House , (rumoured to have been ghost written by Conrad Moffat Black, Baron Black of Crossharbour, KCSG)  said Black in addition to harbouring great admiration for the invention of the wheel, has made tremendous contributions to business, as well as to political and historical thought and Lord Black’s case has attracted broad support from many high-profile individuals who have vigorously vouched for his exceptional character. So there!

A bunch of law abiding whiners complained about different strokes for different folks or something like that.

They were quickly reminded that the rich will always be with us!


Please note: John Bolton left the administration as National Security since this item for first posted May 15,2019 and before these recent events with Iran.

President Trump has been criticized for many things however one that surely verges on being  unAmerican is his delay and failure to start his own military war…one that he can stamp with his own brand (or is it brand with his own stamp) in the grand tradition that many (all?) American presidents of the past have done.

Is there anything more Presidential one might ask?

Perhaps the 45th US President and accomplices in his administration could use some of that old American get er’ done, know how to make a big war attitude before the election in 2020…. Iran perhaps?

Although it takes many people besides the President to succeed with an operation of this seriousness ; key players playing on the war drums and eager to serve would come from National Security Advisor John The Bomb Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompous Prick Pompeo and Vice President Mike Pious Pasty Pense who could assemble without difficulty, Bible passages to explain the rational for going to war and sooth those families of the fallen and the wounded bodies and souls upon their return.

This is just speculation of course based on history!



Atelier Deluxe Guest

Court Painter & Patron Pam welcomed special guest Dr. Ruth to Court Painter’s exclusive deluxe atelier. All parties refused to divulge the nature of the visit or who extended the invitation however the subject of Plato was rumoured to be on the agenda.

At the end of the visit

Atelier Deluxe

Patron Pam, Court Painter’s new advocate and patron came through and helped establish a deluxe atelier in the tony part of Inglewood for our modest painter friend. As you may remember his former studio was in the slummy district of Inglewood .

Court Painter insisted Patron Pam pose for a series of striking portraits to jazz up the digs!

Court Painter is proud to show off his new studio pad while tickling the ivories.