The Court Painter Knock Off Index Transforms the Art Market
In 2016, Press Attache A Hardon MacKay was tasked with leading a collaboration between himself and Court Painter. The project galvanized the hair brained idea of Court Painter Knock Off art as an investment asset.
‘Court Painter Knock Off’s have proved to be the best investment in the tony Inglewood neighbourhood , better than the majority of stocks and shares in Blockbuster or K Mart the last two years.’
This was the confident declaration of Press Attache A Hardon MacKay, the go to marketing guy for Court Painter during his recent appearance at the Ship & Anchor Pub’s WTF’s The Idea open mike night. Though he was only five years into his Press Attacheship, AHM had already overhauled the fusty image of the Court Painter art trade. His ingenious pre-sale marketing efforts, local celebrity invitations featuring power couples, and loss leader sales had transformed Court Painter auctions into major news affairs faithfully covered by Rick Dinger Bell, and deepened the perception of artist nemesis CC ( name available upon request) as an antiquated rival.
Reacting shrewdly to the post-modernist wave of prosperity, AHM was determined to bring newly moneyed buyers into the fold. He sought to convince cowboy hat & belt buckle salesfolks and struggling oil executives that collecting was no longer the exclusive preserve of cultured, old-money dynasties such as Irving, McCain,and Thomson. Crucially, AHM wanted to instil the notion that Court Painter Knock Offs can be an investment. The sudden and precipitous rise of the Court Painter Knock Off art market surprised even AHM,a seasoned marketer who is no stranger to markets of the flea and farmers variety.
AHM’s idea for Court Painter Knock Offs just needed to be packaged and branded in an immediate and compelling fashion that millennials would swallow hook line & sinker.
Printed & posted on the studio door and local bulletin boards the Court Painter Knock Off Index purported to chart the changing prices sold at auction and online.
The first index, published on Robbie Burns Day 2016, included five prominent graphs dedicated to Court Painter Knock Offs in Impressionist and contemporary styles. The charted prices paid for the Court Painter Knock Off’s of Renoir (“up 405%”), Fantin-Latour (“up 780%”), Monet (“up 1,100%”),Kinkade (“up 1845%”)and Keane (up 2400%).Another graph includes three indices, the value of these Knock Off paintings, US share prices, and UK share prices — the former vastly outpacing the latter. The message was clear: Court Painter Knock Off Art is a hot commodity, and its sale value can and should be conceived in much the same way as a stock on the Dow Jones, Hong Kong’s Hang Seng or the Shanghai Composite.
I think you get the idea …. BUY!!!!